





We are passionate people with busy, active lives. Whether we are climbing mountains, swimming with fish, or exploring new cities–we don’t always have time to stop and sit down for a proper meal.  We wanted to find healthy snacks with powerful ingredients and exotic flavors that can sustain us all day, so we set off on a journey to explore the world and discover those ingredients.

Our journey led us to South America where we discovered something truly amazing…

Stay tuned!

We are adventurers.
We live for the smell of pine trees, an ocean breeze, and the open road.
We live for new moments and fresh experiences.
We experiment. We explore.
Our lives are busy but full.
We believe in quality and transparency around food, in whole ingredients.
We believe in the process from the soil to the shelf.
We believe in our ability to make an impact.
We are flavor hunters, snack lovers, and health nuts.